#30 Week 2 – Mistakes and Gratefulness in Your Business – Planning Your Year Ahead

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Welcome to week 2 of our mini-series of helping you find your location in your business so you can start planning for the year ahead!

Last week we spoke about your achievements, if you haven’t seen that podcast yet you can have a listen by clicking here.

Now we are going to move onto a more confronting topic.  What mistakes you have made throughout your past year.

We’re not going to make you feel bad or is this a section to self-sabotage.  This exercise is for you to learn and acknowledge what you need to implement moving forward.

Questions for you to answer this week:

Write down your 3 biggest mistakes you made this year.

After each mistake you write down answer these questions under them…

  1. What you learnt from the mistake?
  2. What can you do to avoid it from happening again?

Once you’ve completed this exercise we’re going to put a spin on things.

What are you thankful for to God for what’s happened this year?

You may have had lots of achievements and made lots of mistakes.  But what are you grateful for to God?

Some examples might be…  New clients, new connections, wisdom.

Write down all the things you are thankful for then go through each one and give praise to God for them happening.

Gratefulness changes our prospective on a situation and enables us to see the good in the bad.

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