Social Media Captions

Caption ideas/Examples

These wonderful captions are for you to use in your social media posts.

Use them to help inspire you, if you get stuck with what to write, or simply copy, paste, and change to suit your business.

Remember, we don’t want everyone’s messaging to sound the same, so please feel free to change and adapt each example.

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About Me – Introduction Post 

It’s that time of the month again, where I introduce myself to all the new faces I’ve been seeing around here! I’m ____________ [name] from ____________ [city] and I specialize in ____________ [what you do]. I have been a ____________ [profession] for ____________ [length of time] and my favorite thing about it is ____________ [what you love]. When I’m not ____________ [doing what you do], you can find me ____________ or ____________ [2 of your favorite activities]. I’m so happy you’re here! Tell me: What do you do on your days off? 


Photo Ideas 

Photo of you smiling and waving 

Photo of a “Hello” sign 

Photo of you doing what you do 

Share the space that you are working from

This is where all the magic happens!  I love that I have a (great outlook, comfy chair, snuggly blanket) that just helps me get into the zone of working.  There’s nothing like getting all set for work and coming into this space to really get motivated.

I’m really curious to find out – are you someone who loves noise around you, or do you love it quiet and peaceful?

For me, I love the peace and quiet, or music that has no lyrics so I can easily concentrate on what I’m doing. It may be that the rest of my life is so full of noise that when I get a chance I love the opportunity to just soak in the natural sounds.


For me, I love noise!  When it’s too quiet I get distracted by every little thing.  I love music on and I love the difference music can make on my mood. 

So tell me, where do you sit?  Do you like it quiet, or do you like the noise?

Where I Work From

The only thing constant is this life is change.  I’m sure you’ve heard this before.  When I started this business,  I worked in my ———- (basement, garage, etc).  When things got better, I now have a _____ (store, shop, online space, etc).  These days, since the pandemic hit the world, I am working from the comforts of my home ( well, back to where I used to be?!)..  Where are you working these days?

Photo Ideas:
Photo of your former workspace 
Photo of your current workspace 
Photo of a project you’re working on 

My Peace In Tough Times 

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes, everything is perfect and things are going how we want them to. At this time, we are happy and full of enthusiasm. On the other hand, we may encounter challenges. These moments make us pause and ponder about the things that matter most to us – make me think of my priorities.  My top on the list is my relationship with God.  What’s your number one, lovely?

Photo Ideas: 
Photo of your happy place 
Photo of something that brings you peace 
Photo of someone who gets you through hard times

Have an attitude of gratitude is my game.  I’m into the gratitude habit!  I thank the Lord every day for the big and small things.  I thank Him for calling me into business.  And in the spirit of thankfulness, I want to say that I appreciate ___________ (your virtual friendship, encouragement,support, likes, follows, etc) I feel so much joy and gratitude to pursue what I love and have your support.  I’ll never get tired of saying, THANKS!  What are you thankful for today?

Photo Ideas:

Photo of you writing a thank you card 
Photo of you with a journal/gratitude list 
Photo of you holding a thank you card/sign 

Rainy days…..
Some days they can motivate me, and others all I hear is my bed and a good book calling my name to be all wrapped up! Mostly I’m a ______________(insert fave season). I love the way the rain __________________ (refreshes the air, makes everything glisten, calms everything down, takes the heat from a hot day)

Stress has become somewhat of a status symbol, and while we all like to be the right kind of busy, it can be a bit all consuming! I want to take a minute to show you how I relax. I_________ (sit in a chair, hide in the bathroom, look out the window, jump on my bike etc) and I _________ (drink tea nice and slowly, spend time with God, take 5 deep breaths, sing at the top of my lungs etc)

We all need a little time to take a minute, what’s your favourite thing to do?

Eating can be a great joy in our lives. We can get so caught up in eating for necessity not eating for pleasure. What’s your favourite thing in the whole word to eat (though fair warning, reading the comments might make you hungry!)?
I love to eat ________ because _________. 

The next time you eat your favourite meal, try slowing your eating down and really take in all the flavours.  Take in the texture and the enjoyment that your body feels.
Let me know how you go!

Talk about something you are changing in your business

Business is always evolving.  I wanted to show you how things are changing.  We have moved to using (trello, airtable) and are finding it super helpful.  It’s ok for systems to be right for a time, and then be something that you grow out of.  It’s a good thing!

Show an image of something that you are working on.

I’m currently in the middle of (putting a new course together, creating a new product, working on a website) and I wanted to show you what this planning stage looks like. I’m loving how this is coming together and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Hey there!

I’m (insert name here). We’ve had a few new likers to the page and I really want to take a minute and introduce myself.  I’ve been in the (insert industry) for the last (time length).
What I love about it is (eg – empowering women to be the best they can be, seeing real change in people, that people find joy in the products I offer).

In my non business life I have (a partner, children, grandchildren, puppies etc).  I like to (go shopping, read the newspaper, ride bareback horses).

I’m so glad that you have decided to join us on our journey.  If there is anything in particular you would like to know about what I do, please feel free to comment below or send me a PM.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes procrastination gets the better of me. I love my business, and I love the people I serve, sometimes I just get a bit stuck. 

The best thing I find to get me out of that procrastination cycle is (put music on, get up and do something different, write a list, allow myself to rest).  

I’m interested to know what works for you?  Do you find that a dance around the house or office works for you? 


World Emoji Day (July 17th) 

Isn’t it fun that World Emoji Day is, in recent years, something to be celebrated? My favorite emoji is ____________, which also happens to be the one I use most frequently. But I also love this emoji ____________ for when I’m in a ____________ [mood] or this one ____________ when I’m feeling ____________ [other mood]! Quick… in honor of this international holiday, drop your favorite emoji in the comments! 


Photo Ideas 

Photo of your favorite emoji 

Photo of you on your phone 

Photo of a cell phone 


My gorgeous customers, clients and friends. I want to take a moment to express how thankful I am for you.  There are days that don’t feel bright and shiny, but without fail, one of you reaches out and lets me know of a win. You let me know ______________________(give an example of a win a client has sent to you recently – for eg, a breakthrough with something they have been working on, how much someone liked a product etc), and it always seems to come just at the right moment.

So thank you.

My cup overflows and I want to share it with all of you.  I just finished working on ________ (your project, podcast, ebook, etc) and I can’t wait for you to hear all about it.  You will surely learn a thing or two about _______________ (share ).  These are tools/ideas that you can apply on your life and business right away!  Check it out and let me know your thoughts.

Tell people a story about the last time something unexpectedly good happened in your business. Someone reached out to you out of the blue or you got chatting to someone and they opened up a whole new segment of ideas.

World Emoji Day

I didn’t know that World Emoji Day exists!  What is your favorite emoji?  Mine is ___, that why I use it most frequently. This also makes me think –  if an emoji is created for me, what would it look like?! What’s your current mood today?  Comment down below with an emoji!

Photo Ideas:
Photo of your favorite emoji 
Photo of you on your phone 
Photo of a cell phone 

I hate to admit it but there are days when I have to literally drag myself out of bed and get to work!!!  But you know what?  It doesn’t mean that I don’t love what I do, of course I do!  At the end of the day, I word hard because _______________ (what’s your why?). How about you?  What or who are you hustling for?

Who inspires you? 

I have always been inspired by _______(Nelson Mandela, Joan of Arc, My mum) because they showed amazing _______(courage, strength, resilience) while they worked tirelessly _____________ (changing the world, making a difference, standing up for their beliefs).

Who inspires you? What are the things that stand out for you when you think about that person.

Bible verses you may like to use

1 Timothy 6:12 (NIV) “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

 Psalm 37:23-24 (NIV). “The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.”

Psalm 5:3 (NIV) “In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

John 13:7 You may not understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 

Proverbs 14:15 The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps. 

Inspirational quotes you might like to use

It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up

Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently

Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy

Share a quote but tell people why you like it

For eg – 
I love this quote, it reminds me that we are all at different points of our journey.  When I get stuck comparing where I am up to with someone else, I remind myself that they are further along on their journey, and that’s OK.

<image of a quote – Don’t compare your chapter 1 to their chapter 20 >

Quotes that might resonate with you for an inspiration quote:

Goals are dreams with deadlines.

Always Deliver more than expected – Larry Page

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. – C S Lewis

Eighty percent of success is showing up. ~Woody Allen

In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it. ~Norman Vincent Peale

It is precisely the possibility of realizing a dream that makes life interesting. ~Paulo Coelho

Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer. ~Marcia Wieder

Bible Quotes you might like to use:
The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still. Exodus 14:14

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand – Isaiah 41:10

He who started a good work in you will carry it to completion – Philippians 1:6


My darling supporter. I want to take a minute to thank you.  Thank you for taking the time to like my page and engage with it.  I want to thank you for investing in ________ (my services/products). Without you, none of this would be possible.  I am so grateful to you for who you are and the joy that you bring to my life when I get to interact with you. 


I wanted to give a heartfelt shoutout to ___________(a company that you have been working with). 
_________ came in to my business and has helped me no end to sort out_____________ (problem). If it weren’t for them, I’d still be google searching how to fix the problem with no end in sight!
If you are in need of help in this area, please give ________ a call.


Benefits – How Your Product/Service Appeals to Your Niche 

I bet you’re one of the busiest people you know! What’s today filled with? __________? ____________? [Soccer practice? Swim meets?/Networking? Content creation?/etc.]. You’d probably love to unload a thing or two off your plate, and I think I can help! ___________ [Savvy moms/Influencers/etc.] love us because we ____________ [explain how your product/service benefits your niche market]. Sound appealing? Let’s chat! 


Photo Ideas 

Photo of your ideal client 

Photo of what you’re promoting 

Photo of you showing your product/service 

If I could pick the top 3 favorite things I love about being a Christian woman in business, I’d pick _______, ________, and  __________.  There are more things to love but to be honest, there are also days when I wish the hard work, late nights, and sacrifices that come with being my own boss would disappear!  What’s your top three?

Photo Ideas:
Photo of one of the hard things about your job 
Photo of who/what motivates you 
Photo of one of the three favorite things you mention 

Do some education on how you source your products.
For eg:
When we are looking for new products to add to our collection (or suppliers, or other companies to affiliate ourselves with)  we are always looking for (honestly, integrity, sustainably sourced, cruelty free).

These line up with the values that we have in our business.  We want to be seen as the leader in (sustainable living, ethical business), and this is not something we are looking to compromise on. 

Most people think that the best part about owning your own business is ___________ and _________.  While those are both true and amazing perks, what I truly LOVE about this job is __________________.  What’s your favorite about your job?  Share a photo if you can.

Photo Ideas:
Photo of the tools of your trade  
Photo of your favorite thing about your job 
Photo of you doing what you mention in the caption 

Share a sneak peek at something that is coming.

    1. Eeek! Something fun is on the way! Enjoying working on _______________
    2. Pssst…..don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret!
    3. Nothing like those new product excitement vibes. Keep your eyes peeled! More info coming soon!

Lists are things that get things done in a business!
Are you a paper person or are you all online?  Some of us still run off all the lists in our heads!

For me, I find ________(this tool) super helpful.  I love the way it ____________(can reorder in date priority, is easy to find what I want, I can share with someone else)

So, I showed you mine, I’d love to see yours!  What does your list look like today?

Part of our mission here at ______________(company name) is to support _____________(women fleeing domestic violence, families in poverty etc). This month we have been so excited to be able to __________________(donate swags for the homeless, volunteer at the shelter, wrap gifts with operation Christmas Child) and this is all due to you guys supporting us as a business! If you would like to know more about ___________(charity) then pop over to their website!

Look through your recent product/service posts.
Is there a product/service that you haven’t showcased for a while? Take the time to write about why you love serving people in this way.

Share a testimonial
Ask a trusted client for a video review. Allow them to talk about their experience with your company. 

Product sale

We are so super excited! We are getting sales and enquiries for (insert product/service) left right and centre!  We are here and answering as many questions as we can so that you can make a decision of whether this is right for you or not.  Make sure to make a decision soon though, time is running out on our (early bird, limited open time) and we just know that you are going to love it! Pop us a PM if you have questions, or if you are ready to jump in click on the link (include link)

Share a review that talks specifically about what someone has gotten out of using your product/service:
For eg:
I absolutely adored watching the transformation that happened as I worked with Mel! It’s so exciting to see her flourishing!

<quote in image – Kelly truly is awesome. She has this amazing knack of being able to drill down to the point and then make a plan from there. Thanks so much Kelly for the value that you bring to us as small business owners, and our businesses!! >


DIY Tutorial

Who doesn’t love a do-it-yourself tutorial?! Today I want to mix things up from my regularly scheduled programming of ____________ [what you normally post] and serve you up with a DIY ____________ [tutorial]. First,  ____________, then ____________. Finally, ____________ and there you have it! What questions do you have for me? 


Photo Ideas 

Photo of you teaching the tutorial 

Photo of the finished product 

Systems that you use

One of the amazing tools I use in my business is (Insert name – trello, asana, airtable, active campaign).  It makes my life so much easier and helps me to be able to do (insert what it helps you to do here).  It helps me to be able to deliver a seamless service to you by (making sure I don’t miss steps, giving me way for you to book into my calendar at midnight while I’m sleeping)
I’m always happy to chat about the services I use in my business. (Here’s a link to the page that shows all of our favourite tools, that may have affiliate links, PM me to chat more about these tools)

My Why 

This morning it just hit me.  After _____ years of hustling to keep my business afloat and feasible, I came to realize why I work so hard.  More specifically, I realized WHO I work so diligently for!!!  I work for my ___________ (your person!).  What a great joy it brings to my heart to know that I make him/her proud.  What about you, lovely?  Who do you work for?

Photo Ideas:
Photo of someone you mention  
Photo of something you mention 
Photo of you with someone you mention

Share a picture and some details about a staff member. 
For eg – 
This is Josie. Josie is the one who answers your call each time you call in.  She has an infectious laugh and is super organised.  Josie is always the one who’s keen to get us on top of things and also loves to organise an office party.

If you could ask Josie one thing, what would it be?

Talk to me about podcasts. Do you have a favourite at the moment?  What are you loving?  What are you not loving? 

What makes a great podcast for you?
I’m loving (the art of decluttering) and my favourite bit about it is (their sense of humour, how honest it is).

The design process – or service process that you use

When we meet together, the first thing I like to do is talk through (your design brief, your goals for the session, any problems that you are having). It gives me a good idea of where the conversation needs to go next.  While we have a plan of what we go through in (insert session type here), there is always room to flesh out what’s going on (in your business, in your life) and how it may be impacting on (insert what it might be impacting on)

From there, this allows us to get a great handle on (what your service is about) to be able to move forward to the next step.

Highlight one of the skills that you use to get something done

For eg.
When I’m working with clients, I’m using all the skills I’ve learnt through my (arts degree, 10 years in social work, experience working with difficult people). What this does is helps me find out what the root of what you are needing is. My (arts degree, 10 years in social work, experience working with difficult people) gives me the knowledge and experience to be confident that I can help you with (insert service), and you can rest assured that you are getting someone who’s got the qualifications for the job at hand.

Why do you love this product/service so much

I want to tell you about (service/product). Now, I’m not usually one that gets on here and raves and big notes herself, but I would love to tell you about what feedback I’m getting from people who are (using this product, investing in this service).  I am seeing (transformation, stepping out of their comfort zone, clearing acne, improved confidence) and it totally makes my heart sing.  It makes what I do worth every moment, even those tough ones that we don’t always like to talk about, at least not publicly anyway.  

Is this something that you are looking for?  You can find out more about (service/product) by checking out my website (web address).